How do you get rid of so much garbage in your life?

How do you get rid of so much garbage in your life?

garbage sorting

Domestic waste garbage refers to the solid waste produced by people in daily life or in daily life, which is treated as domestic waste by laws and administrative regulations. Its main contents include household garbage, market trade garbage, public place garbage, street cleaning garbage, and enterprise and institution garbage.
With the rapid development of society and economy, the acceleration of urbanization and the rapid improvement of people's living standards, the garbage generated in urban production and life has also increased. bigger. With the large increase of municipal solid waste, the difficulty of waste disposal is becoming more and more difficult, and the resulting environmental pollution and other issues have gradually attracted widespread attention of the society. In order to realize the industrialization, recycling, reduction and harmlessness of urban waste, the problems of mixed collection, low recovery rate, low recovery rate, high content of biodegradable organic matter and large water content must be solved. To solve these problems, various techniques have been applied.
In general, domestic waste can be divided into four categories: recyclable, kitchen waste, hazardous, and others. Common waste disposal methods include comprehensive utilization, sanitary landfill, incineration, and composting.
As a professional supplier of solid waste garbage crushing and sorting equipment, the waste classification method can realize the utilization of waste resources to a great extent, reduce the amount of waste disposal, and improve the quality of the living environment.

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