Technical configuration requirements for garbage sorting and processing equipment

Technical configuration requirements for garbage sorting and processing equipment

garbage sorting and processing equipment

Faced with the increasing domestic waste, our factory has developed and produced domestic waste screening equipment, which can be classified according to various characteristics of waste materials. The various garbage materials that can be sorted have high cleanliness and less impurities, which can realize the harmless, reduction and recycling of garbage treatment, and fully solve and utilize domestic garbage.
The composition of domestic waste is complex, mainly including organic matter, inorganic matter, waste paper, plastic bags, fabrics, plastics, glass, metal, etc. For a long time, waste screening equipment mainly includes landfill, incineration and composting. A single treatment method cannot solve the garbage problem very well. In order to better solve the problem of household waste disposal, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive treatment mode of sorting + incineration + composting + landfill, and a comprehensive household waste treatment plant must be established.
Six technical configuration requirements for garbage sorting and processing equipment.
1. Including sorting workshop, compression transfer workshop and composting workshop; sorting workshop includes uniform feeder, bag breaking machine, sorting conveyor, magnetic separator, drum screening machine, drum screening machine, drum screening machine, drum screen Extension machine, drum screening machine, comprehensive winnowing machine, comprehensive winnowing machine, comprehensive winnowing machine, light material conveyor, compression transfer workshop.
2. The sorting workshop is also equipped with a deodorizing mechanism. The deodorizing mechanism is a deodorizing spray tower. The input end of the deodorization tower is connected with the exhaust pipe. The other end of the exhaust pipe is connected with the sorting workshop, compression transportation workshop and composting workshop through branch pipes.
3. The compression transfer workshop includes a two-way conveyor set at the output end of the light material transfer conveyor and a compressor set at the output end of the two-way conveyor. The output end of the compressor is provided with one end of the storage and transportation box, and the other end of the storage and transportation box is provided with a pull-arm cart.
4. There is a sewage collection tank at the bottom of the sorting workshop, compression transportation workshop and composting workshop, and the sewage collecting tank is connected with the composting workshop through the sewage treatment mechanism and the return spray pipe.
5. A feeding platform is fixed on one side of the uniform feeder. The end of the feeding platform away from the uniform feeder is connected to the end of the feeding ramp, and the other end of the feeding ramp is fixed with a weighbridge.
6. At least one resource recovery box and a vertical packaging machine are fixed on the side of the sorting conveyor, and the corresponding resource recovery box on the side of the sorting conveyor is also equipped with a sorting station.

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